Razuna 1.7.5

Release Notes for Razuna 1.7.5

Notes for this release

Razuna 1.7.5 features many useful features and enhancements that will make your work with files easier. Please have a look at the overview below to see what is new or changed.

Razuna 1.7.5 comes with over 120 issues tackled. Many issues are fulfilled feature requests or enhancements to existing functionality.

How to upgrade

You should update to 1.5.2 before updating to 1.6! If you have already done so, then simply follow the Razuna Update Guide.

If you are skipping certain version then please make sure to read up on the release notes on each version. There might be instructions for certain updates!

Import Notices

  • Major search and indexing enhancements: For Razuna 1.7.5 we completely re-wrote how indexing and searching works. If you are upgrading from 1.7 to 1.7.5 you need to additionally download the new Search Server. To do so, simply download the Search Server from http://github.com/razuna/razuna-searchserver and place the directory in a folder called “razuna-searchserver” in the “webapps” directory.

All resolved issues of Razuna 1.7.5

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